Download Tower Blocks, Building Set Tall Buildings Game For Andriod

Download Tower Blocks, Building Set Tall Buildings Game For Andriod

Tower Blocks is a game where your main objective is to build all the buildings you can so that you have to put your skills to the test, as each department shall be placed above the other, but these hang from a rope and will swing as well you must think and hit it at the right time to be positioned perfectly. These are the two things you need in order to create buildings straight, because if you do not have your building precision fall or just never manage to get very high, for that you must make smart moves, thinking and atinando at the exact time for each frame your building fit smoothly over each other.

These are 3 of the ingredients offered Tower Blocks, you must meet certain objectives to keep your city growing without bounds, so get each of the rewards that you will, how cool is that Tower Blocks features an achievement system independent letting you know that left to do and you've done. Tower Blocks is not just any game, as it has a very high level of addiction personally do not know why it took so long to come out for android, since in the Nokia C3 and could play, however I recommend you to think before start playing, because it is more likely that after you can not stop playing Tower Blocks in no time.

So if you're looking to build skyscrapers game or play frame by frame buildings do, then I invite you to download Tower Blocks, a game that came out just this month, but already we can download for free from Google Play.

To Download Tower Blocks Click Here